Wednesday, July 17, 2013


          The pain remained inside of me. I’ve never sank this deep. Since that ‘moment’ happened, I rarely have a nice sleep. Usually I weep n sleep. Frustrated. I shouldn’t own that feeling. Im juz a tiny creature which created a lot of trouble but He, The Most Merciful, still let me to live in this world. I turn off my phone and all my social networks so that I wont have to communicate wit others n share what I’ve felt. But He, The Most Gracious, send me people that care about me, they text, call asking me whether im okay or not eventho I didn’t respond to any of them. Im forgetful. He reminded me the purpose He created me in ths world. Im ungrateful. He opened my heart to b grateful. SubhanAllah. He really watching over me. He really care about me. He really watch my tears everynite. He really heard what my heart said. Cliché? NO. NOT FOR ME. He even sent me the best example to be followed.
After almost 3 weeks being crying, thinking, I think the ‘moment’ really precious and a good tarbiyyah for me.

Nabi Muhammad Sallahu Alaihi Wasalam pernah berpesan:
“akan dikabulkan doa seseorang daripada kamu selagi dia tidak gopoh dengan Tuhan.” 
Apabila ditanya, 
“Bagaimana gopoh itu, wahai Muhammad?” 
Nabi Muhammad Sallahu Alaihi Wasalam berkata: 
“iaitu orang yang berkata, ‘Aku sudah berdoa dan berdoa, tetapi tidak dimakbulkan lagi oleh Allah!”

Terkadang kita amat tergesa mahukan sesuatu. Hingga lupa tujuan kita diciptakan. Dikaburi dengan keindahan duniawi terlupa jalan pulang ke syurgawi dan bekalan ukhrawi.

HE is dealing with you as HE did with HIS Awliya n the Chosen Elite. HE is watching over you.


So Wait Steadfastly For The Judgment of Your Lord! You Are Certainly Before Our Eyes
         (Quran 52:48)  

Kenapa perlu begitu? Kepada hamba Allah yg begitu frust terhadap diri, nah jawapan dari Pencipta kita.
Allah berfirman dalam Kalam suci Al-Quran:

“Katakanlah: Wahai hamba-hamba-Ku yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri! Janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampunkan dosa-dosa semuanya. Sesungguhnya Dialah Yang Maha Pengampun, Lagi Maha Penyayang.” 
(Az-zumar: 53)

Aku tidak layak persoalkan segalanya. Sungguh takdirMu amat sempurna perancanganya.  Ampunkan aku Tuhan. Ampukan aku.
Ibu, terima kasih ats doaMu yg tak pernah putus.
Terima kasih semua atas sokongan dan doa anda. Maafkan kekhilafanku.
Terus menerus, doakan aku. Terima kasih teman.
Wahai diri yakinlah! He will not lose us! InsyaAllah.
"To Him is Our Final Goal"
Assalamualaikum. : )



  1. Our Farahin is back! Let's finish this strong habibati.

    "To Him is our final goal"

    InshaAllah Farahin!! :')

  2. Assalam MR Farahin..~!
    Kangen bangat sama kamo sihh...
    Gue bakalan selalu menyokong kamu..
    Dun give up ok
