Tuesday, June 5, 2012

weird . touched . cry

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang

sometimes when i just listen to someone reciting Quran or even listening to opick's song my heart would feel "smthg" which i don knoe how to describe it. At one time, i was listening to opick's song entitled cahaya hati, then all of sudden i started to cry. (i cant give any logical explanation for this kind of situation). i asked myself: "kenapa kau nak nangis2 ni?? chill lah"  but it was hard to stop crying at that time. that night, i started to think maybe Allah is trying to remind me that I've done so much sin or i'm too immersed with dunya. yes, as a human i admit it bcoz, life in IB is not easy as what i've imagine. its get tougher n more challenging.
i always nag, complaint, criticize every time i fail to achieved my goal (eg exam). but i never look the positive side of it. Maybe now is the right time to change. yeah it is neva to late to change to be a better person. agak malu untuk berubah, tapi Allah itu kan Maha Melihat, Maha Penyayang kepada hambaNya. mesti Dia akan tolong kita jugak. just believe that Allah is always by ur side , and everythg gonna b fine as long as u try, usaha, Tawakkal. heee i love this quote:

STRIVE HARD, PRAY HARDER! InsyaAllah, semua settle. =)

Ni pulak jawapan apasal lah susah sgt hidup ni, apasal aku diuji
(padahal ramai lagi diuji dgn lebih berat lagi,, apelah aku ni) T____T

hah tulah tp cakap agak senang lah, SABAR, tp nak buat nya errr payah sikit, tapi xpe,, insyaAllah Allah akan sentiasa bantu hambaNya yang cuba mendekati-Nya. insyaAllah, insyaAllah, insyaAllah. =)

Wassalam. ;)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Life is Too Short To be Sad

"Life Is Too Short To Be Sad"
that quote inspired me a lot. wheneva i feel sad that qoute always come across in my mind. Do you agree that Allah neva "really" take back what He had give us 4 all ths while?? ;)

cube kite try pikir2 balik ape yg Allah dah bg. the simplest thg: HUJAN
to me, hujan is one of the nikmat yg x terhingga! i love rain. (eleh tp kalau hujan siap berthunder2 bagai im the one yg menyorok bwh selimut dulu) hehehe 
okay back to topic, if kite tgok balik lah kan.. nikmat hujan ni salah satu prove yg Allah x pernah really tarik a nikmat. cube kite tgok ni:
hujan turun, air hujan diserap oleh tanah-menjadikan tanah subur, pokok tumbuh berbekalkan air hujan td, pokok melepaskan oxygen ke udara (photosynthesis) n CO2 (respiration), process evaporation of water berlaku, air kemabli menjadi awan, apabila berat hujan pun turun kembali. process yg same berulang2.

kalau ikiutkan Allah berhak je nak ambil terus air hujan dan xkan dikembalikan ke bumi. tapi Subhanallah bukti Allah ini Maha Pemurah ini sgt lah jelas dlm peristiwa ini. 

kadang2 ak juga terlupa perkara ini bila frust menonggeng tertonggeng berguling2 *perh frust betul 2* apabila ak xdpt ape yg ak expect BUT it was hard at that moment to open my MATA HATI to feel free to say Alhamdulillah or back to Allah sbb dah dikaburkan dgn hal dunia yg dikejar2 akhirnya xdpt. maklumlah ak ni manusia biasa yg lemah lg hina, selalu terlupa tntg kehidupan di sana (akhirat) pula. 

enough about me. the best solution for an absolute answer yg xkan dikesali adalah : 
okies tu je lah. Assalamualaikum. 
