Tuesday, May 28, 2013

hidup pendosa. lets RETURN to Allah

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

bukan niat membuka pekung di dada, just a reflection that i thought recently.

 when i was a little girl i said to my mak:
" ok lah mak, dah besar **** (my name) nak jd fashion designer lah"  *sambil showing all my drawings to my  mak. (btw mak tak bagi haha)
i love tro draw, do doodles, or anytg related to drawings. but yesterday,, yesterday,,

my naqibah (a person who conduct/lead a happy circle) text me.
"salam alaik. awak boleh tak draw anytg for this qoute; 
jadilah kamu seperti pokok buah2an. mereka membalingnya dengan batu. dia menggugurkan buah kpd mereka. "
these 2 situations are similar in a way of using my talent. yeah TALENT= logam = metal.
tersedar daku dari lena. dirasakan diri baru terkena batu. tak tahu hala tuju. itulah manusia. begitu mudah lupakan Khaliqnya (the Creator). beribu alasan jadi perisainya;
                          " ala manusia itukan lemah",   "manusia kan cepat lupa"
sembunyi di sebalik alasan. hingga lupa jawapan Tuhan. jawapan demi jawapan jadi peringatan. bukalah kalam mulia, iaitu Al-Quran.

Allah says in His Glorious Book;
" apakah  manusia mengira bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan hanya dengan mengatakan: "Kami beriman," dan mereka tidak diuji?" (al-ankabut,29:2)
yes. my hands were trembling the moment i read this. afraid. u'll b afraid when u know u r guilty.
Talent is a precious gift from Allah. But how much we use it to contribute to Islam? or we just use it to impress the creatures ; human, etc?  what if the whole world was blind? who would we impress?

Allahhuakbar. hidup pendosa. itulah manusia. kelak "logam" itu menjadi saksi di akhirat.
don worry too much. juz return to Him. Allah is not same like human. He's soo special. setiap kali kita salah, tiap kali itulah kita kembali kepada Dia. takpe, don worry too much. kalau terbuat lagi  return to Him. 
       the more we return, the more He loves us. :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

oh Lord, forgive me.

                     " terlampau banyak yg diberi, terlampau sedikit yg aku bersyukur. "
tik.tok.tik.tok. yeah the clock is ticking. u breath in. keep the oxygen in ur lungs every seconds. fuhhhhhh. then exhaled the carbon dioxide.

u said.. " aku solat fardhu tau"
             "aku siap dhuha hari2"
             "eh ak bangun qiam ye"
             "hari2 baca Quran"

yeah thats true they all showed ur actions worshipping Allah. The One. The Listener. The Most Gracious.

but do ur heart acts like ur body? sincere? thats the word. are they all enuf to pay back what He gives to us?

He loves u so much. juz say anythg, tell Him ur problem. He'll respond.
when u frustrated u say: oh Allah, help me! He responded to ur doa,

nothing much to say, juz sharing some rhetorical thoughts. bye peeps. assalamualaikum. :)